Server Setup
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A less painful option to Setup Server
Rayzz is a highly advanced piece of software and required specific modules to be installed on the server in order for many functions to work correctly, for example uploading various video formats needs to be converted to work with the FLV player, streaming the video requires other software etc.
Installing the modules is not as easy as pointing and clicking, it requires a system admin with knowledge of Linux, not to mention knowledge of command prompt. If you have purchased a dedicated server or virtual private server you may wish to consider getting Agriya to setup your server so that it is optimized for use with Rayzz. Our engineers will install all the necessary modules and software on the server via a remote connection in our office. Work will be completed within 4 hours
What Does Server Setup Include
Your server will be setup within 2 business days of receiving the accurate login details
Your server will have all the necessary modules and software installed to run the latest version of Rayzz
Your server will be optimized to run Rayzz as quickly as possible
Guarantee that the server will be configured to run Rayzz
What Does Server Setup Not Include
Setup on more than one server (or the same server, twice)
Installation of any additional modules or software requested by the customer
Guarantee that the server will run any other web software
Ongoing maintenance of any type
can version Rayzz 3.0 be customize something like (which has social stream tag which include facebook ,twitter ect..) and also having some restrictions for it's members like a download monthly limits or allow admin to delete or approve contents....